Proposal Kualitatif Bahasa Inggris Pdf

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Judul skripsi bahasa inggris kualitatif tentang reading. Karena sebelum melangkah lebih jauh mengerjakan skripsi yang harus ditentukan adalah judul skripsi tersebut. 77 contoh judul skripsi pendidikan bahasa inggris terbaru dan terlengkap hai sahabat sbi yang super kali ini admin akan berbagi daftar judul skripsi pendidikan bahasa inggris. Contoh proposal penelitian kualitatif pendidikan disajikan khusus untuk Anda yang sedang melakukan penelitian kualitatif tentang pendidikan yang serupa. Menurut Strauss dan Corbin (2003) penelitian kualitatif dimaksud sebagai jenis penelitian yang temuan-temuannya tidak diperoleh melalui prosedur statistik atau bentuk hitungan lainnya.

Beingsuccessful in teaching English is the dominant factor that the English teachershould pay attention to, especially in teaching reading. Through reading, onecan enhance his experience, develop new concept, solve his problem, and broadenhis horizon of thinking, which are needed to ensure continuing personal growthand adopt the change in the world yet the importance of reading has not beenrealized by most of our society a large number of our population is classifiedas poor readers and the majority of the people are content to read materials ofpoor quality. Forstudents from elementary to university level, reading is something that has tobe done. They have to read their compulsory books or other materials related totheir lesson.

For students who are studying languages, reading is one of theskills, which has to be learned and is considered as the most important onebecause it can influence other language skill (listening, speaking, andwriting). According to Kustaryo (1988;2) it is certainly not easy to presentthe English reading for Indonesian students whose language system is different.Reading is acomplex process which involves not only the read the text but also theirexperience to comprehend it. Because of its complexity, many teachers ofEnglish at junior and senior high school find difficulties in all teachingreading and prefer teaching structure to reading. Based on all reason above, thewriter thinks that humour stories can motivate students to read, because humorstories are interested in conducting research entitle “ Improving the student’sReading comprehension by using humour stories” of the second garde of year students of SMA Negeri 5 Makassar. Based on thejunior high school curriculum, reading is one of the four skills in studyingEnglish. Readingconsists of narrative, descriptive, procedure, news item, recount, and anecdote.The aim of the students learn reading, they have to know basic competence andachievement indicators in reading.

Basic competence of reading: Understandtransactional discourse, interpersonal discourse, and oral monologue especiallyin the forms of descriptive, narrative, anecdote, analytical exposition, andhortatory exposition using oral language variation. And achievement indicators;Students can read continuous story, students can identify rhetorical moves of atext in the narrative, descriptive, and anecdote form, students can identifymain ideas, Supporting ideas, and detailed information of the text, andstudents can identify and use the tense. This research is restricted to the use of humour stories as readingmaterials from text book in English class. By discipline, this research isunder applied linguistics.

By content, this study is limited to discussion tothe use 30 essay tests question method to improve the students’ reading comprehensionand by activity this research administered pretest to find out the prior knowledgeof the students for example; reading material test that consist of humorstories. The topic are wrong thought, special gift, watch the door and going tothe zoo, and posttest that would be done after a number of treatment todiscover, the reading ability subjects in applying this case, the writer usedhumor stories, especially to the second year students of SMA Negeri 5 Makassar. From the previousfindings above, the writer using humor stories techniques as a media inteaching because humor stories are one way to improve students’ activity inreading class. This research has difference with previous finding above. Thewriter used humor stories into steps: (1) Introduce about the humor stories andidentify main ideas, (2) Read the questions, (3) Supporting ideas, (4) gettingthe general and specific information, (5) find out the answer in readingmaterials. In this case, the teachers are expected to give and use many kinds otechnique in reading class and also the interesting materials.

Accordingto Rubin (1982) reading is the bringing of meaning to and the getting ofmeaning from the printed pages while Simanjutak (1988) states that reading isthe process of putting to reader in contact and communication with ideas.Widdowson in Rubin (1982) states that reading is not a reaction to text but an interactionbetween writer and reader medicated through the text. It is clear that readingis a fundamental requirement that can influence the student’s achievement instudying English through reading, we can broaden our horizon of thinking. Awide selection material will be interesting if the material is humorous.Sudjoko in Hamka (2001;3) says that humor can entertain, humor also can helpsome one to comprehend any complex matters. Because the importance of humor inlearning and teaching, the writer offers the use of a kind of humor.

Which isfunny (Written humor) in teaching reading. Reading is an active in which the reader mustmake an active contribution by drawing upon and using concurrently variousabilities he has acquired.

In addition, reading is concerned mainly withlearning to recognize the printed symbols that represent language and torespond intellectually and emotionally when being asked about the content ofthe she/he has read. Smith and Dale (1980:7) state that reading comprehension meansunderstanding, evaluating, utilizing of information and gaining through aninteraction between reader and author. Reading comprehension is such a kind ofdialogue between reader and author in which the written language becomes themedium that cause the dialogue happen when the two persons communicate throughthe medium of print reading comprehension refers to reading with comprehension.Thus reading comprehension is reading by comprehension the meaning of a passageor what is or has been read.

One who reads something by understanding it can besaid that he does a reading comprehension. Comprehension is a special kind ofthinking process. The reader comprehends by actively constructing meaninginternally from interacting with the material that is read (Anderson andPearson in Alexander, (1993;160). Successful comprehension involves the reader whocan discovery the meaning.

It may be finding a particular piece of information,solving a problem through reading, working to understand an idea or following aset of directions. From the point of view given above, it can be concluded thatreading is an active thinking process where the reader tries to gaininformation given by the author and understands what actually the purpose ofauthor. Teacher of English language are expected to be more creative and moreinnovative selecting and then presenting materials relatively and using a widevariety of resources that can enhance and motivate students to learn English.Through anecdotes, the student will be entertained in reading the materials.The reading materials should be interesting; the teacher should notice that inselecting the materials he/she should be sure that they are in time of student’sinterest in order towing their attention.

This is important for the smooth lessof the way to the students to good concentration and attitude toward readinglesson. If the materials are not interesting, the students will passively notpay much attention to the lesson. This way means that the teacher will bedifficult to attain the objective of his teaching. Theories of this group have been held as widely, if not so long as thoseof the first group. Braise Pascal in Encyclopedia Americana (1995) emphasizes thefrustration of expectation nothing makes people laugh so much as a surprisingdisparity between what they expect and what they see. A resent and highlyencompassing theory of humor is Arthur Koestler’s theory of dissociation. HenriBergson almost anticipated the dissociation theory when he said, a situation isinvariable comic when it belongs simultaneously to two altogether independentseries of events and is capable of being interpreted in two entirely differentmeanings at the same time.

This theory was developing by Guthrie, Willman and Baisilic. Humor certainly is multifaceted, it can be aggressive it can deal withnonsense or incongruous, it can be sympathetic and understanding, it candevelop intellectual squint as it attempt to see all sides of a question, itcan be playful or intelligent. It can even be serious as satire and the risesof black humor indicate, but it can no be false. Humor, even at its mostmalicious, even at its most exaggerated, can not dessert truth toilet, the King’s answer is the onlypooper one and you lie Sirrah, we’ll have you whipped. Sudjokoin Hamka (2001) says that humor can function to do all intention and all goalsin every facet, humor can make someone to see problem in any different sides,humor can entertain, humor can swift mind, humor can increase someonesmartness, humor can make someone tolerate something and humor also can helpsome one to comprehend any complex matters. Actually our society have realizesome functions of humor, as policy function or refreshing tool to make peopleable to concentrate their attention for long time.

In the advance country, employeessometimes make humor as long as it helps to facilate their work or function toreach their goal. Another important function of humor is recreation in thiscase, the role of humor is to vanish the saturation in people routineactivities such as working or studying. Besides as an entertainment, humor alsofunction as tool to convey critic, which is usually indirect. Recently, thiskind of humor grows greatly as our society become more critical and theyalready able to see any betrayal in our surroundings. In teaching reading,english teacher should introduce the humor stories as an alternative way togive variation to the students in teaching and learning process. Humor stories canmake someone to see problem many different sides, humor can entertain, humorcan swift mind, humor can increase.

Someone smartness, humor can also can help someoneto comprehend any complex matters. The students can understand the implicitmeaning and stages of theoretic development in written text in the form ofnarrative procedure, descriptive, anecdote, report, recount and new items.D.Theoretical Framework.

Developing the world forces us to know everything include the language. As we know, that language is a tool of communication. As such one of its primary function is to communicate (Hugehs,1993: 64). We know that we have got our language since we are child, we got it from our parents, our friends or environment. And we use it as our first language.

When we grow up, we get another language from our school such as English language, and we use it as our foreign language. Mastering English is not pleasure or prestige of knowing the language, but it is the key to the international communication and also for technology and commerce in era of globalization (Hutchison, 2004: 195). As we know that English language become the international language, so many people learn English for many purpose, such as for economic purpose, English teacher, tourism etc. So, English is very important in communication process internationally. The difficulty of learning English is not only at junior high school but also at the senior high school and even at the university. Because the process of learning English as foreign language is the same with the process how children learn to talk for the first time.

Every school in Indonesia has to give the best service for students with quality teacher/professional teacher to teach the students, facilities etc. Many people recognize the need for change in schools. It solely to improve or to increase students’ ability in many fields especially in English language because English language always needed to fulfill work field, for example: as tourism, a trading, a teacher, businessman, writer, interpreter etc. Vocabulary is the important thing.

Proficiency in other aspect is not enough to guarantee that someone can mastering the English language with limited of vocabulary, for example, because grammar can make sentence grammatically right. Even, we can say the sentences are right grammatically and another is wrong grammatically. But limited of vocabularies are mastered, we just can make simple sentence and limited sentence. And then, in using the language, we use thousands of words to communicate every day. Besides limited several of sentences, less of vocabularies hamper comprehension in communication. Do you ever read a book and you didn’t understand the sentence?

In fact, in daily classroom activity, student often find difficulty in vocabulary and how to different among verb, adjective, adverb, and noun. At junior high school grade in third year less knowledge of vocabulary.

When people could master grammar and pronunciation better than vocabulary, they will be difficult to communicate but if their master vocabulary is better than grammar and pronunciation they will be easy to communicate ( Widya, 1997:53). In teaching learning process faces many problems, For example, when the teacher explained some topic, some of student look bored, annoying their friend, they can’t keep silent, act. So, word grouping activity is one of way how to solve the problem less stressful, more relaxed, and more enjoyable. Besides that, word grouping activities increasing students’ vocabulary. Word grouping invite to participate them in teaching learning process.

In this chapter review of related literature writer begins with what is language in our life and then what’s function of language itself because language is a tool of communication. How to make relation or communication, that’s because of language. We can express our ideas and feeling by language or communication. Communication can’t run well because there is no good language using of communication. Communication couldn’t run well without mastering in vocabularies.

So, word grouping activities in increasing vocabulary is one of ways to make students have fun, relax, interested, in learning process. So this way, there are some steps in this chapter that is what’s the language, The function of Language, Vocabulary as language element, teaching of Vocabulary. Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication. The scientific study of language in any of its senses is called linguistics. The approximately 3000–6000 languages that are spoken by humans today are the most salient examples, but natural languages can also be based on visual rather than additive stimuli, for example in sign languages and written language.

Codes and other kinds of artificially constructed communication systems such as those used for computer programming can also be called languages. A language in this sense is a system of signs for encoding and decoding information.

The English word derives from Latin lingua, 'language, tongue.' This metaphoric relation between language and the tongue exists in many languages and testifies to the historical prominence of spoken languages. When used as a general concept, 'language' refers to the cognitive faculty that enables humans to learn and use systems of complex communication. The human language faculty is thought to be fundamentally different from and of much higher complexity than those of other species. Human language is highly complex in that it is based on a set of rules relating symbols to their meanings, thereby forming an infinite number of possible innovative utterances from a finite number of elements.

Language is thought to have originated when early hominids first started cooperating, adapting earlier systems of communication based on expressive signs to include a theory of other minds and shared intentionality. This development is thought to have coincided with an increase in brain volume. Language is processed in many different locations in the human brain, but especially in Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas. Humans acquire language through social interaction in early childhood, and children generally speak fluently when they are around three years old. The use of language has become deeply entrenched in human culture and, apart from being used to communicate and share information; it also has social and cultural uses, such as signifying group identity, social stratification and for social grooming and entertainment. The word 'language' can also be used to describe the set of rules that makes this possible, or the set of utterances that can be produced from those rules.

All languages rely on the process of symbiosis to relate a sign with a particular meaning. Spoken and signed languages contain a phonological system that governs how sounds or visual symbols are used to form sequences known as words or morphemes, and a syntactic system that governs how words and morphemes are used to form phrases and utterances. Written languages use visual symbols to represent the sounds of the spoken languages, but they still require syntactic rules that govern the production of meaning from sequences of words.

Languages evolve and diversify over time, and the history of their evolution can be reconstructed by comparing modern languages to determine which traits their ancestral languages must have had for the later stages to have occurred. A group of languages that descend from a common ancestor is known as a language family. The languages that are most spoken in the world today belong to the Indo-European family, which includes languages such as English, Spanish, Russian and Hindi; the Sino-Tibetan languages, which include Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese and many others; Semitic languages, which include Arabic and Hebrew; and the Bantu languages, which include Swahili, Zulu, Xhosa and hundreds of other languages spoken throughout Africa. Human language is unique in comparison to other forms of communication, such as those used by other animals, because it allows humans to produce an infinite set of utterances from a finite set of elements, and because the symbols and grammatical rules of any particular language are largely arbitrary, so that the system can only be acquired through social interaction. The known systems of communication used by animals, on the other hand, can only express a finite number of utterances that are mostly genetically transmitted. Human language is also unique in that its complex structure has evolved to serve a much wider range of functions than any other kinds of communication system. The word 'language' has two meanings: language as a general concept, and 'a language' (a specific linguistic system, e.g.

Languages other than English often have two separate words for these distinct concepts. French for example uses the word langage for language as a concept and langue as the specific instance of language. When speaking of language as a general concept, several different definitions can be used that stress different aspects of the phenomenon. 1) A mental faculty, organ or instinct is One definition sees language primarily as the mental faculty that allows humans to undertake linguistic behavior: to learn languages and produce and understand utterances. This definition stresses the universality of language to all humans and the biological basis of the human capacity for language as a unique development of the human brain. This view often understands language to be largely innate, for example as in Chomsky's theory of Universal Grammar or Jerry Fodor’s extreme innatist theory.

These kinds of definitions are often applied by studies of language within a cognitive science framework and in neurolinguistics. 2) A formal symbolic system is Another definition sees language as a formal system of symbols governed by grammatical rules combining particular signs with particular meanings. This definition stresses the fact that human languages can be described as closed structural systems consisting of rules that relate particular signs to particular meanings. This structuralism view of language was first introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure. Some proponents of this view of language, such as Noam Chomsky, define language as a particular set of sentences that can be generated from a particular set of rules.

The structuralism viewpoint is commonly used in formal logic, semiotics, and in formal and structural theories of grammar, the most commonly used theoretical frameworks in linguistic description. In the philosophy of language these views are associated with philosophers such as Bertrand Russell, early Wittgenstein, Alfred Tarski and Gottlob Frege. 3) A tool for communication is Yet another definition sees language as a system of communication that enables humans to cooperate. This definition stresses the social functions of language and the fact that humans use it to express themselves and to manipulate objects in their environment. This view of language is associated with the study of language in a functional or pragmatic framework, as well as in socio-linguistics and linguistic anthropology.

In the Philosophy of language these views are often associated with Wittgenstein’s later works and with ordinary language philosophers such as G. Moore, Paul Grice, John Searle and J. It’s means that you have the capacity to produce the sounds that signify certain meaning and to understand interpret the sounds, Which are produce by the other people.

Language is something couldn’t see but could hear. Languages live, die, shift, move from time to time, place to place. Languages live if society or people use the language long time. Language die because people didn’t use it in a long time again, language shift because use another language because they move to another place.

Besides that, language always changes from time to time. Physiological function (releasing physical and nervous energy): Although it might be striking this use of language is fairly common. It is easily recognizable when devoted fans of sports are observed while watching their favourite discipline on TV. Such fans often shout instructions, express support, or disappointment and while as a means of communicating with sportsmen they are useless, such cheers are to release repressed energy. Similarly curse words are used to serve this purpose, as they rarely convey any meaning and are only to make the speaker feel better.

Identifying function: Language is used also to identify the objects and events in the world we live in. Without this function language would be almost useless, as it is thanks to the names of things that we know what is talked about. Many primitive societies unable to write believe that names hold great power. Even in western culture names are thought to be immensely important: the God’s name ought not to be used in vain, before giving a name to a newborn child parents consider the choice deeply.

We use names to classify different types of things, whether we call a car an automobile, a lorry, a van or a truck makes a big difference. Emotional Literacy Education is the teaching of basic language elements. These elements are the Emotional Literacy Vocabulary. When these words are learned, they are used to interpret the emotional content of any situation. With Emotional Literacy Education, students are taught the skill of understanding the meaning of words in the Emotional Literacy Language. They are also taught how these words are connected together. By connecting the words together, they form a larger emotional picture.

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They help the student understand why they are experiencing emotions. The vocabulary helps the student become conscious of the purpose of their emotions, thoughts and behaviors. This leads to greater self-acceptance.

The individual learns the value of their feelings and how they can be helpful. It removes self-denial, and the inherent problems of rejecting, repressing and making feelings unconscious. This results in an inability to use feelings to evaluate people, problems and circumstances.

The student learns how their own feelings can help them evaluate and solve problems in relationships. The skill of Emotional Literacy knows how to recognize emotional content and its structure within language. It is being able to relate that information to everyday life. Emotional Literacy Education is the learning of a new language. That new language is the Emotional Literacy Language.

This language, when it is learned by the student, gives coping mechanisms to help them control their emotions, thoughts and behaviors. It does this by integrating emotion, thought and consciousness. This gives the individual greater insight into their own behavior, and helps them choose actions which produce positive outcomes and feelings. It also gives the student planning skills and greater self-confidence to execute plans and achieve goals. For the student this results in higher self-esteem.

It also reduces negative choices which lead to bad outcomes, feelings and low self-esteem. The Emotional Literacy language and vocabulary work, Students are taught the Emotional Literacy Language like the way students learn how to read. For example, when learning how to read, students start with the basic elements of speech. They learn how to pronounce the written symbols of vowel and consonant sounds.

These basic sound symbols are combined into words. Students then learn how to sound out words based on the consonant and vowel sounds. The student learns to identify the sounds as written words. Also, the student learns the meaning of individual words. This skill is then applied to reading and understanding any textual material. Akruti 6.0 oriya software.

In any classroom, it is important to get students paying attention and listening. English is compulsory subject that must be learned in all level. The first thing that students must know about vocabulary we can express our idea in communication. Rivers (1983) states that and adequate vocabulary is vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structure and function but we may have learned for comprehensible communication.

Be sure speak slowly and clearly. Children used to listening in a different language require a few extra milliseconds for their brains to process the new information they are receiving in English. Teaching vocabulary use games and activities in classroom in learning process. If the teacher feels that an adequate amount of practice via these recognition activities has been reached, there are more challenging, vocabulary games and activities that aim to reduce fear and hesitancy. Most of characteristic of language learners studying a language that isn't their mother tongue.

Vocabulary games and activities for teacher aims to make the learning process more active and more have fun. The teacher role is solely as facilitator, while the students do the work and enjoy using this motivating and lively material. Once an activity has started, student usually works independently of the teacher their own pace. The teacher goes round the classroom listening and monitoring their progress and only interfering or helping if absolutely necessary. In this section, you will apply what you have learned to your own teaching.

The following activities are designed to assist you in developing activities to teach word analysis and vocabulary. Choose one or both of the activities from the list below. There are also pre-reading lessons that are based on vocabulary review. There are a variety of fun vocabulary activities that have game-like features that are very motivating: 'I'm thinking of' You give the class a few definitions corresponding to a 5-6 vocabulary words and the students guess the word, The teacher whispers the word and the students try and recognize the word, The teacher spells the word backwards and the students try and recognize the word.