How To Install Halionone Cubase 5 Manual Pdf

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I've just gritted my teeth and bought Cubase 6. Even though I have Windows XP SP3 OS, it runs OK and I've just started to climb the learning curve. One problem I've had is using the HALion Symphonic Instrument VST (also just bought) with SE. It seems that all the new instruments (which are great!) are displayed mixed with the ones that come with HALion Sonic SE (which are not so flexible). So far I have to take pot luck when selecting one and only find out when it loads and displays the logo.

Has anyone got a way of showing the source of the instruments in the HALion listing?Thanks. I had to abandon Cubase 6 on my XP SP3 machine, it just couldn't cope after around 12 audio tracks with plugs. Mind you, this machine is around 1.8ghz with 2gb RAM so no real surprise the CPU kept maxing out.

I bought a new machine recently with a far greater spec so I'll get around to installing C6 on that and see how it goes.Not messed with Halion much, some of the sounds are good but I reckon anything orchestral with it is not gonna be in the Vienna class anyway, could be wrong.Have fun messing around with what you got, you'll soon be able to make a proper assessment. Thanks for that. My machine is about 2.8 Ghz with a dual core processor and 3GB of ram so I guess I'm not going to hit the buffers yet. But it does annoy me that Steinberg has decided to abandon Windows XP quite so lightly.

Having to jump through their registration hoops having paid through the nose for the software is a bit rich, and certainly doesn't leave anything in the pot to think about a Windows 7 upgrade. I have a laptop with Windows 7 but nothing like the recommended spec.

But even if it was full spec I would resent having to pay for a second license to install Cubase 6. I started using the HSO IS a few months ago and it took a while for what was what to sink in. Anyway, I think I can point you in the right direction.If you use the normal preset window at the top you get all the sounds mixed up together.

But if you use the selector for each slot, you can filter your search in the way it sounds like you want.Once you get in there, you'll find you need to turn up the Mod Wheel to get a decent volume. For many instruments you use this to control volume rather than velocity, to get convincing bowing swells, for example. You can also make good use of Note Expression.

There are also pre-programmed keys to trigger different playing styles. Too much to go into here but I recommend you download the full HSO manual from Steinberg. It goes into so much more detail.Good luck. Thanks for the advice.


It does make things a bit easier. Like you, it took me some time to realize that the mod wheel set the volume in many string instruments and also the function of controller keys to provide variations in playing sound for a range of string instruments. I know it will be possible but so far I haven't explored the mysteries of sending midi mod wheel codes to set up a given string instrument rather than doing it manually each time. I have now downloaded the HSO manual and it is a big read!!! I guess there's a lot more of this sort of problem solving to come as I work my way through it.Thanks again.